It's a new year and maybe that means that you've set some goals for yourself and your family. One of those goals might be eating a tad healthier or keeping on top of things or organizing your … [Read More...]
{The Latest Posts}
Planner Clips & Using Scraps w your Silhouette
It's a new year and maybe that means that you've set some goals for yourself and your family. One of … Continue Reading…
Ozobots and Cupcakes – Coding over Brunch!
We had a great time over winter vacation learning the basics of coding with our Ozobots! In case you … Continue Reading…
2015 Silhouette Black Friday Deals
If you follow me at all you know by now that I big ol' pink puffy heart love my Silhouette CAMEO. I … Continue Reading…
Craft Kit Birthday Present
There are only so many Barbie Dolls/My Little Ponies/Elsa/(insert popular toy here) birthday … Continue Reading…
Mason Jar Homework Station | #CanItForward
The stores are filled with school supplies, the sun is starting to set just a tab bit … Continue Reading…

Ozobots and Cupcakes – Coding over Brunch!
We had a great time over winter vacation learning the basics of coding with our Ozobots! In case you have never seen or heard of them before Ozobots are the award winning smart robot, designed to … [Read More...]

2015 Silhouette Black Friday Deals
If you follow me at all you know by now that I big ol' pink puffy heart love my Silhouette CAMEO. I mean I don't think a week goes by that I don't use it for something and now that the holidays are … [Read More...]

Craft Kit Birthday Present
There are only so many Barbie Dolls/My Little Ponies/Elsa/(insert popular toy here) birthday presents that you can handle buying and wrapping. And as kids get older it only gets harder to find a … [Read More...]

Mason Jar Homework Station | #CanItForward
The stores are filled with school supplies, the sun is starting to set just a tab bit earlier, we are pretty much over the heat. Yup, sounds like fall, and school, are just around the … [Read More...]

DIY Disney Princess Inspired Bracelets
What started off as me wanting to use up some beading supplies I've been hoarding for several years has turned into a full-fledged jewelry shop in my craft studio. About 3 years ago I had this … [Read More...]

End of Year Gifts with Free Printable Tag
I do not even know how it is already the end of another school year. I am sure we all remember how long school years felt as a kid but on the other side, as a parent, they seem to FLY right on by. … [Read More...]

Pink Lemonade Party
My five year old (gasp! I still can't believe she is five!!) loves lemonade. I mean, LOVES it, can't get enough of it. The only thing she loves more than lemonade is the color pink. Sometimes I wonder … [Read More...]