- 12×12 cork tile
- shaped chipboard (purchased at Hobby Lobby)
- sharpie/marker
- exacto knife or scissors
- contact cement
- optional – ribbon for hanging
- optional – twine or ribbon for edging
Simply trace your object onto your cork tile. Use an exacto knife or scissors to cut out the cork board. Follow the directions on the bottle of contact cement to glue your 2 shapes together. Badda Bing, Badda Boom – you’re done! A couple optional steps you can take are to attach ribbon to the back of your chipboard and to edge your cork in twine or skinny ribbon.
Now I have a place to pin up inspiration, business cards, little things I can’t seem to toss out but serve no purpose.
I used a little contact cement to help me outline my cork in twine, I thought it gave it a more finished look, but it’s not necessary.

I like this – super cute, super easy !
thanks for sharing ! 🙂
Danielle –
Love the double twine outline… makes it look so custom. Very cute – thanks for sharing.
How is the ribbon attached on the back?
I am possibly looking to do something like this as door prizes for a Mother Daughter Luncheon in May. Would you be able to share how wide your ribbon is that it is hung by? I am interested is well in knowing how you fixed the ribbon to the back side. Thank you so much for your help.Blessings, Melissa