- 12×12 frame ($5 at Hobby Lobby)
- 14×14 square of fabric (we used Amy Butler & Kate Spain fat quarters)
- 12×12 cork tile (recycled from a previous cork board I had glued on my wall)
- 14×14 piece of batting (we tore a piece in half width wise to make it pretty thin)
- a box of tacks
- assorted brads, mini clothespins, bling stickers
- spray adhesive, glue gun, pliers, gorilla tape
To make the framed cork board:
- remove backing & glass from frame, keep backing & find a new home for the glass
- using spray adhesive, glue batting to cork tile
- center fabric over batting, flip over and starting with the top, use gorilla glue to adhere fabric to cork, making sure to pull tightly, but not too tight as to bend the cork
- repeat on the opposite side before turning cork 90 degrees to tap down the remaining sides
- for the corners, fold the fabric in and secure it with a small piece of tape. Don’t worry what it looks like from the back too much, since it will all be hidden once you put it back in the frame
- place covered cork into the glassless frame and return the backing, close frame (we needed to use the handle end of a screwdriver to “close” the frame metal tabs, just be careful)
To make the tacks:
- using wire cutters or scissors you don’t care about carefully remove the plastic covering on the tacks by making 3 or 4 small cuts on the back and pry open
- if you are re-purposing brads, remove the prongs by rocking them back and forth til they fall off
- hot glue brad top to nekkid tacks
- admire how stinkin’ crafty you are!!
Crafty Ladies Night Out details…
So far we have only done 2 crafty ladies nights but we have run them the same way. I come up with several craft options and bounce them off my friend, who helps me organize inviting everyone and getting people here. Once we settle on a craft, she sends out an email giving 2 date options and the most popular one wins. In the meantime I gather up all the supplies and make a few crafty treats that I’ve found on blogland (like the marshmellow pops and caramal kisses on the pretzels). Since our first one was Halloween themed and this one was close-ish to Valentine’s Day, I try to decorate accordingly. Our goal is to keep the project around or under $10. Since I buy all the supplies everyone just gives me their $$ when they arrive. Also, we ask everyone to bring a drink or snack to share (but I usually have more than enough snacks to go around). Then we gab and glue! I act as the “teacher” guiding everyone through the project.
It really is a lot of fun and I totally recommend it to anyone. I am not a book reader, so this is kinda my way to have a book club!!
Next time we get together we are going to be making Apothecary jars as seen here!!
Linking up HERE!

This is quite lovely…I especially like the little flower in the corner. It adds just the right amount of zjush!
What a cute project! And thanks for sharing how you do the Crafty Ladies Night. I love the idea and would love to try it with some girlfriends.
I’m so glad I found your blog this week. I am really enjoying looking through your posts. I’m getting lots of inspiration 🙂
CLNO sounds like so much fun! I wish I could talk my friends into doing something like that! Most of them are afraid of a hot glue gun:)
What a cute project. I think I am going to make one for my kitchen. Thanks for the idea.
CLNO sounds like so much fun! Most of my friends are afraid of crafting or I’d be all on that idea! No book club for me either ;o) Thanks for more detail on the cork board! =)
Super cute-Thanks for auditioning for American Crafter!
love that red fabric you used! craft night sounds fun!
What a great way to make a bright and colorful corkboard which is usually so boring!
Cute project. I love your fabric choice and the fabric flower that you added to the frame.
how cute!!! so creative. love the fabric
I really love the fabric you chose. What a great idea to make something so functional and pretty at the same time. Visiting from Serenity Now. 🙂
Cute idea! I don’t like seeing the cork on my boards, so now I know what to do with them!
How fun! I made something similar for some teenage girls who helped me with a project. It was easy, fun and very pretty. Haven’t thought about it in a while…thanks for the great tutorial…I think I might have to try again for my husband’s music studio.
Have a great weekend!
Building Home with Him,
Mary Joy
Visiting from Amanda’s party
very cute! great colors!
happy crafting!
Stacy, I love your idea for a CLNO!! I’m going to read your post you have linked up at the beginning too. I love the rosette you added to your corkboard! Such a pretty fabric. 🙂 Maybe your other post talks about this, but I was wondering if you just split the cost 6 ways (or however many ladies you have) or if you do it differently. I know you said everyone pays when they get there…have you ever had any problems with people not paying??
Thanks so much for joining my party! Hope you’ll visit Serenity Now again soon. 🙂
oh this turned out super cute! I love the fabric! I would love for you to come link up to Handmade Tuesdays @ Ladybug Blessings http://www.ladybug-blessings.com
Your blog is very inspiring!! I love it!!! Happy Monday!
I like your designs color choice as well as your creativity. cork tile flooring