please click here to see if you are the winner!
I just want to thank all my google followers and my Facebook “likers” (I think they should have stuck with fans) I really appreciate your virtual blog land love, it means a lot that y’all find my crafting fun and hopefully helpful! I only started this blog as a way to chronicle all the crap that I was making to keep myself busy while the hubs travels for work but I really enjoying trying to help others find the inner-craft-diva that is inside all of us! Since we have hit the 500 Facebook fan mark I want to celebrate the occasion with the craft that took my little blog from 35 followers to what it is today, a ribbon wreath. I was going to give away this exact wreath,

but I kinda like it a lot and don’t want to part ways with it, so instead I will make you your own custom 10″ ribbon wreath in either a spring or summer color pallet (your choice!) with a matching removable pennant bunting. Please allow 2 weeks for the custom wreath to be completed one the giveaway is over.
So here are the details:
Giveaway is open to US residents only
You must either be a Google follower or Facebook fan to enter
Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm edt on Friday, March 18, 2011, comments after that time will not be considered
Winner to be chosen by random.org and will be posted here on the blog
If the winner does not contact me within 48 hours of being announced a new winner will be chosen
You have 2, count ’em, 2 chances to be entered!
1) become a follower and let me know in the comments below that you have (or let me know how long you have been a fan)
2) post this blog link on your FB wall or page with an attached tag linking back to She’s{kinda}Crafty FB page and then come back and leave a comment below letting me know you’ve shared the giveaway
Good luck everyone!!

I am a facebook liker and a google follower! Thanks for the amazing giveaway and congrats on reaching 500!
I’ve been a follower for about 2 weeks!
I am a facebook liker and a google follower. Thanks for all the great ideas.
I am follower. Cute blog!
I am a follower. Very cute blog 🙂
I’m a google follower and facebook liker and loooove your stuff 🙂
I am a google follower – LOVE those wreaths!! You captured me with the Christmas polka dot one – it’s awesome!
I’ve been a follower for several weeks! You inspire me!
Congrats Stacy. Well deserved, I love all your crafts and pictures. I am a facebook fan and would love to win one of your ribbon wreaths! I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
OOOhhh I love your wreaths and have made two because I love them I would love to win one though, (yours look better than mine.)
I have been a follower since before Christmas
I posted a link on my facebook
I follow ya!
What a fabulous Giveaway!! I just signed up to “Like” you on FB. 😉
I am a google follower, I gave up facebook for lent, so Easter I’ll “like” you! 🙂
I follow!
annemolino at hotmail dot com
I posted this contest on my FB wall
Ohmygosh I need to win this! I am a follower already!
I’m a follower already! This wreath is AWESOME! What an amazing giveaway 🙂
I am a follower already and {love} this wreath!
I shared on fb: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Crossing-The-Bugger-Dixon-Line/186801121343461
I’m a follower! You are also welcome to link up your giveaway here and enter ours! http://www.craftbuds.com/giveaways-for-march-14-20-2011/
Im a follower 🙂 bc I love you and have for a long time…
I’m a google follower and absolutely LOVE your stuff! It’s so cute!
Brittany C. from Lexington, SC
I follow in google reader – LOVE these wreaths!!
I follow your blog on GFC and I totally want that wreath! I have been thinking about making one but I think winning one from you would be even better:)
Congratulations! I love this wreath – very Eastery and perfect for my front door!
I’m a Google reader follower and have been for maybe a year or so?
I shared your giveaway on my FB page!
I am also a follower and love this wreath!
I have been a follower for awhile now.
I shared this giveaway on my facebook page.
Love your blog! Ive actually tried to do most of your crafts and they have turned out great! I have been a follower for almost a month now!
I’m a follower and I love your blog!
I have been a blog and facebook follower for a few months. AND it’s my birth month AND the giveaway ends on my BIRTHDAY! Thank you for ALL of your wonderful content on your blog. It always makes me smile 🙂
I’ve been following you since February, love all your stuff. So cute!
I shared this giveaway on my facebook page.
i’ve followed through google for the past couple of months! thanks!
Love the wreath! Thanks for doing this giveaway! I am already a follower of your blog and Facebook. 🙂
Posted on my FB wall and follow your blog here as well. Love your ideas and crafts! Congrats on 500 and counting!
I shared the giveaway on my blog! 🙂
I am a Facebook Fan and have been for a few months…. 🙂
I posted the link to my page…Yeah!!!!
I am a follower on Facebook and a google follower. I also shared the link on my Facebook page and my blog.
I follow on Facebook and I follow your blog. I have also share the link onb my Facebook page and my blog.
I shared your giveaway on my Facebook page! Love the wreath!!
I have been a follower for a couple of months!
Love your blog, it inspires me! I’m a follower om FB and google and posted a link in my FB page.
You’re my inspiration! I can’t wait to build my blog!! I’m a follower!!
I follow – gfc – emillie.
I shared on fb and tagged you – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shes-kinda-Crafty/170120876352688?sk=wall#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=135928753144034&id=100001891505536.
im a public follower! i love your ribbon wreaths!!
I like you on fb, posted you on fb, and am now a google follower. You have a really cute blog!! I have a niece who is expecting her second baby and hoping to find out in a couple of weeks that this one is a girl, so hopefully I can use some of your cute ideas for her… lpbivens@aol.com
i posted the link to this giveaway on fb and did the @She’s{Kinda}Crafty thing so it would link to your page—I think I did it right.
love your ribbon wreath! I am a follower on GFC. Thanks for the giveaway chance!
I follow on both Google and Facebook. Love these ribbon wreaths!
Posted the link on FB.
I am a new follower!
I’m a new follower! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
This is too cute! I would actually love to know how to make this.
I just became a FB “liker”!!
Became a fan today & posted the giveaway details on my FB profile: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/kris.seek Congrats on your success! =)
i am on fb i <3 ur work keep it coming. i hope u n joy ur day 🙂
I became a fan today as well as posting the details of the giveaway on my fb!
Love your blog! Just joined and am passing the link onto a few friends who will enjoy also!
Like you on FB, too!!
I’ve been a Facebook fan for about a month now! Love all your stuff… congrats!!
I am a Blog fan and follow you
And on FB too…left some love!
I shared the givewawy on my personal FB page
I shared the giveaway on my Project Purple (www.project-purple.blogspot.com) FB page too!
LOVE your wreaths!!!!! I “liked” your facebook page :0) Congrats on all your fans!
love it!!! i want it!!! posted on my blog!!
joanne at oh goodie designs
love you on facebook!!!
I became a google follower!
I am a facebook fan (for about 2 weeks) and a new follower! Love the ribbon wreath and paper crafts! 🙂
i’ve been a follower for a few months now! (or so i thought i just realized i had never actually clicked the “FOLLOW” button! ohhhh goodness!!!! now i’m officially a follower =)
This comment has been removed by the author.
I am a follower and I looooove this wreath… I’ve been waiting for this since you posted you’d do it many moons ago! 😀
I’m a follower … I think for a few months. I love getting blog updates! Your blog is so inspiring!
Andanbre at gmail dot com
I shared about this giveaway on my facebook page!
Andanbre at gmail dot com
I am now a follower on FB. Just found you… great giveaway!
yanuzo at hotmail dot com
I just added a link on my FB to the giveaway!
Wonderful giveaway! I’m a Facebook follower. 🙂
I follow 🙂
I am now an “official” follower!! YAY!
I tagged and shared to FB too!! SUPER cute wreath!
ooo…I LOVE your ribbon wreaths! I’m a new follower.
I hope I followed instructions! I posted a comment (with your link) on my FB page. I’ve been a fan for a couple of weeks. I LOVE your crafts. Keep up the good work. I want to win, by the way.
I have been a google fan for about 2 months and a FB fan for about a month- have you as a “Like” love your wreath!!
I’ve just joined as a blog follower, and I posted your link on Facebook and shared it. I just found your blog. I love crafting, myself, and enjoy reading of others’ crafting projects. I know someone who is making a ribbon wreath, like you have shown, for her sick baby; getting ribbon from the people who have shown their support and offered prayers for the wee one. Isn’t that a neat idea?
I’m a fan and need to become crafty. 🙂
I’m a new follower and loving the wreath! It’s great to see all the fun colors of spring in your wreath!
Im a fan! Love you girly;) so proud of you!!
love your blog….ribbon wreaths are gorgeous..now I am a follower
New follower! I LOVE your ribbon wreaths!
You Know I Am A Follower, been here since the beginning!! SO EXCITING!!
Totally Shared on FB. I want others to be as addicted to being crafty as we are 😉
I am a new follower! Love the wreaths!