Skills that every good seamstress needs – cutting in a straight line, sewing in a straight line, pinning in a straight line, patience. I have NONE of those! However, what I do have is an acceptance of “that will do” and “good enough”. Good thing, too, because I like to try to sew my own things! I get a good little sense of pride over my so-so sewing projects, who doesn’t?!? Little baby P is no longer a baby and no longer little either (24lb 6 oz as of last week). She has graduated from eating liquidy versions of food, fed to her by spoon, and onto being a very independent healthy eater. She has also graduated from her high chair to the little Chicco seat that attaches on the table. With her new found independence has come a HUGE mess on my floors! A little lunchtime trip to Hancock Fabrics last week found me staring down this beautiful Orange Damask Laminated Cotton

If you know me, you know I have a weakness for anything orange and blue, it runs deep! So I snapped up a yard of this fabric and a package of Wrights Extra Wide Double Fold bias tape (and a couple other fabrics and webbings for post to come sooner or later). I measured under my kitchen table and decided 26×26 would be a good size. I tried my best to cut the fabric straight, opened the bias tape and tried to pin it all on straight (note to self – next time you sew a square with bias tape, look at a tutorial dummy), and then went to town with the sewing machine. I know I can’t sew straight, so you would think I wouldn’t use contrasting thread, but that is no fun (and may require a trip to the store for which I dont have patience for) so I used the orange thread I had on hand. At the end of the day it will do it’s job, catch the masses of food that don’t make it in Toddler P’s mouth and provide a surface easy to wipe up!
So here, it is, in all its glory for you to judge just how bad my sewing is!

Oh my gosh…love this! I need three of them now for my growing messy triplets! You need to sell them! Such a cute idea!
ha! that is about how I sew as well 😉
So cute.. and such a good idea! Is that fabric by “Top Drawer”? I always admire their print when I go in and am waiting on a sale for my next purchase. Thanks for sharing this- I’m going to need to make a couple of these!
Ah-mazing! I especially love since it’s orange & blue! Go Gators!!! <3
How did I not see that you posted this earlier? It looks great! I love the fabric choice, and I think your sewing looks just fine. 🙂
Love it! We, of course, have invested in a beagle to preclude the need for splat mats. She does not come in designer prints, unfortunately.
This is great! I think you did a much better job than I did when I made one for DD 19 years ago. I love the fabric. Thanks for sharing!
Love love love that idea! Thank you for sharing!! I can’t wait to get some laminated fabric and do this.
Love the fabric! Where is the laminated fabric at in Hancock’s? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it!
I too LOVE this fabric. I bought some and made a purse with it… still using it actually! It was a b!tch for me to work with but I’ve learned alot about sewing laminated cottons! Anyway, new follower from Tatertots and Jello! 🙂
ok, so how often do you clean that splat mat and how do you do it?
With my last (fifth) son, I would cut pieces of paper of a roll of that paper tile guys use to walk on and stick it under the high chair. it was not cute like yours but it was easy to get rid of the mess;)