We are starting an entire office/craft room make-over – which is excited and terrifying all at the same time. Exciting because I can’t wait to have a place for everything and everything in its place. Terrifying because, OMG y’all, I have SO many dang craft supplies that I’ve been in denial about for a long time. As I film my episode of craft hoarders (in my head at least) I’ve come across some fun supplies like a couple heart shaped Styrofoam wreath forms! Bonus!! Instead of going with my traditional ribbon I thought it would be fun to see how the wreath would look in some fun, sateen red fabric. I think it turned out beautifully and hope you do, too!
{heeeyyyyyyy, sexy lady – not enough sun around here lately and the reflection off my front door has been real – really annoying that is}

gorgeous, stacy!
Many Blessings,
Beautiful wreath!!!! Love the heart shape, it looks great! Perfect wreath for Valentine’s day! :o)
Your wreath is so pretty!!