- Baby food jars (or other containers to hold you magic beans)
- Jelly Beans (any flavor)
- Scissors and a 1.5″ circle punch if you have it (can cut by hand if you don’t)
- Jar labels that you can download FREE printed out on sticker paper or cardstock
- double-sided tape if you printed the labels on cardstock
- spray paint for lids in you desire
I thought I had 2 empty baby jars when I brain-stormed this idea last week, turned out I could no longer find said jars, so I purchased 2 jars at Target, they are like $.80 each. You could also ask a neighbor with a baby for her left overs or use some other type of similar shaped container. Just wash and dry your containers well. No need to remove all the sticky from the label as you are going to be covering them up anyhow. I decided to give my lids a QUICK once over with spray paint – it dries to the touch in about 10-15 minutes as long as you use quick even sprays from about 12 inches away.
Cut out all your labels, either by hand or with a circle punch.
Wrap the jars with the labels.
The back side of the label gives instructions as how the “magic” beans work. It is up to you if you’d like the magic beans to grow lollipops, Easter Eggs, or other treats in their place, carrots?
Fill with Jelly Beans and let your kiddos get to planting!
Try not to eat all the extra Jelly Beans while you are waiting for the magic to happen!!

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