These prices are PER CONTAINER. Of course you can use a coupon at a craft store to buy the Wilton bags which would reduce the price per bag. So being that I need to make about 35 bags between the 2 classes I went with the pretzel rod covers and used my 40% off coupon making each bag $0.04.
I bought this giant bag of skittles for the Care Bear party but never used it, so St. Patrick’s Day seemed like the perfect opportunity to unload this rainbow. And to make the the filling of the skinny bags easier you’ll need a funnel – homemade or not.
If you are like me and have no patience to try to hunt down where your funnel is or you don’t own a funnel large enough to let skittles through then make your own! Just roll up a piece of paper or light weight card stock and use some tape to secure the cone shape – washi tape to make it pretty of course.
I found bags of chocolate coins in the $1 spot at Target and grabbed a few bags. I started by putting 1 chocolate in the bottom of each bag seeing as how the printable tag says, “You’re the Gold at the end of my Rainbow.”
Insert funnel and fill with desired amount of candy.
I used the included silver twist ties to attach the favor tag and close up the bags because I am pretty sure 2 to 5 year olds do not care that silver doesn’t match the gold, and they were “free” or included in the $0.04 per bag price already.
MarieThomasDesigns says
These are really cute. The gold is my favorite part.
Michele {The Scrap Shoppe} says
These are super cute, Stacy! I just adore the printable. 🙂
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