(the pink ribbon loop is just covering up my personal info)
I got such great Instagram and Facebook response that I have made a file for you to print out and write in your own information. Yours will print 5 to a page and I suggest printing them out on thick, sturdy white cardstock. I personally use 110lb cover stock I picked up at the office supply store. You can find the pdf file HERE!
Please note that these are for personal use only and are not to be altered, resold, or any of that other junk.

What a wonderful end-of-school idea for staying in touch. 🙂
These are absolutely adorable and useful, thank you!
Thank you so much for sharing this! What a great idea! My daughter was wanting to give out her information to a friend the other day. These will be perfect!
This is such a great idea. I felt so bad at the end of last year when my son finished preschool, because he wanted some play dates but I didn’t know any of the moms. I wasn’t sure how to get my information to them. This is too clever! 🙂
This is exactly what I was looking for!!! My daughters last day of pre-k is Friday and I have to get these out to her friends parents! Thank you!!
I love this card for my son leaving pre-k. is there one that I can print that says “my” instead of “the” last day?